On September 29, 2016, the Justice Ministry published a memorandum on a proposed amendment to the Copyright Law 5767-2007 (hereinafter: the “Copyright Law” and the “Proposed Amendment”, respectively.) The Proposed Amendment deals with copyright infringement on the internet and it includes new legislative frameworks in four different areas: (A) the expansion of the application of the indirect infringement doctrine to include actions with respect to making available to the public; (B) the right to receive an injunction against internet service providers (such as access providers and storage providers) for the purpose of blocking access to infringing websites; (C) the right to receive an order from the court instructing third parties to deliver identification information on anonymous internet users who infringed copyright laws; (D) the expansion of criminal prohibitions to explicitly include copyright infringements of the right to make publically available and to broadcast the work, when their main purpose is to make profits by infringing these rights.
Legal Update: Intellectual Property - October 2016 (Hebrew)
By Amit Dat & Omri Rachum-Twaig, Dr. | Oct 2016 | Legal Update
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