
Our Philanthropy practice is one of Israel’s leading, oldest and unique. Unmatched in their field, our lawyers’ expertise includes various aspects of legal planning, as well as the underlying strategy of philanthropy, and has contributed to the practice’s exceptional reputation, owing to an in-depth understanding of the processes and extensive involvement in the various fundraising mechanisms.

Our lawyers provide clients with comprehensive counsel in the full spectrum of legal needs unique to this field, including strategic planning, donor tax planning and tax credits compliant with Israeli, European and/or American law, establishment and accompaniment of associations, family foundations, public benefit societies, charitable trusts, initiating a family heritage foundation, proper execution of intergenerational philanthropic transfers, and more.

Accompanying philanthropists encompasses an in-depth strategic process. Our practice experts assist in formulating the donor's worldview and deciding on the right philanthropic mechanism for the donor and his family. In this context, the practice focuses on the broad application of the chosen philanthropic mechanism, including how the donation is made, important milestones for the donor to achieve; mapping the key players operating in the field in which the donation is made to create collaborations; incorporating the mechanism’s funding format and legal structure; organizational forward-thinking and preparation; creating collaborations and knowledge between entities to which the donor transfers funds; representation before the Registrar of Associations - Non-Profit Organizations; the appropriate annual tax plan; and more.

Following the incorporation phase, our lawyers accompany the management of donations or the philanthropic organization, in compliance with regulatory requirements, registration with the tax authorities, insurance, officeholder and stakeholder duties, cooperation with the State of Israel and foreign governments, and other issues.

Our practice advises clients seeking to contribute to and promote a wide range of public objectives and to support various types of institutions, including health organizations in general and hospitals in particular; the arts, including the establishment and maintenance of museums; educational enterprises; philanthropic loan funds; accompanying impact investments; overseeing donations abroad; and more.

The practice's clients feature high-net-worth individuals in Israel and around the world, organizations, public benefit societies and Ottoman associations in a wide range of spheres, and others.

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