White Collar

FBC's White Collar practice represents individuals and companies before all governmental and regulatory authorities and judicial tribunals. It is experienced in advising on a wide range of criminal offenses involving money laundering and tax, computer, internet and online gambling, offenses of public officials, company directors and officers, banking offenses, and securities, antitrust and intellectual property.

FBC’s client representation includes preparing in-depth expert opinions and internal corporate compliance programs, providing preventative advice and conducting internal investigations in companies where suspicions of criminal activity have arisen. The Department provides its clients with the most carefully prepared and coordinated response, without compromising its commitment to professional excellence and integrity.

FBC's clients include individuals and companies who are among Israel’s leading commercial and public figures who are constantly exposed to the public eye. Protecting their privacy and confidentiality is of primary importance, and the White Collar team uses its utmost discretion in this regard.

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