
FBC’s environmental practice is one of Israel’s leaders in the field, and provides comprehensive, up-to-date advice on environmental matters, drawing on its understanding of Israeli regulation together with an in-depth knowledge of industrial production processes and international and local legislation.

The department provides a full spectrum of services to the most prominent players in the market, from counsel on administrative enforcement proceedings and representation in criminal enforcement proceedings, to the preparation of internal enforcement programs designed to reduce the exposure of officeholders to potential criminal liability for environmental matters. In addition, the department specializes in Litigation in environmental related matters.

FBC’s Environmental team are extremely dedicated and work with the highest level of professionalism by always being available and committed to each and every one of the client’s needs.

Circular Economy

In response to the resource constraints, environmental pressures and economic barriers that characterize our “take and dispose” economy, many have put forward a vision for a “circular economy” that would not only conserve and recycle materials, but also contribute to new technological, financial and environmental innovations.

As the circular economy approach gains traction – with noteworthy advances in the EU, China and the US – it is becoming increasingly clear that adjustments to our system of regulatory and commercial law will be needed to further progress towards a circular economy.  The circular economy is a serious approach to supplant the way global production and energy systems operate. For many of our clients, this represents a new and important thought construct that will lead to legal frameworks better adapted to the 21st century.

We are experts in the specific regulatory, procurement, financial structuring and other legal initiatives that are emerging to help actualize the circular economy objectives globally.  We have the knowledge and ability to integrate the multiple legal disciplines comprising the whole complex of laws related to the circular economy.

FBC is the leading partner of Circular Economy IL - the Israeli Circular Economy stakeholders platform: www.circulareconomy.co.il

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Hutchison Group

Strauss Group

Shikun & Binui Real Estate

Gadot Biochemical Industries